“Jikha” Fortress of Kheta ხეთის ჯიხა

“Jikha” Fortress of Kheta
Kheta fortress of feudal age is situated in the Khamiskuri village, on the left side of the Senaki-Zugdidi highway, 11 km away from Khobi. Locals call it “Jikha”. The shape of fortress is round, quite large in size, its inner courtyard area is approximately 4500m2. The castle has an entrance on the northwest, here the tower, which was completely destroyed, was erected from the outside. The northeast part of the fortified wall is heavily damaged, while west part is demolished. On the east side there is a damaged window, on its right side there are traces of arches. The lower wall of the window is plastered on both sides. It looks like here the building was attached to the wall, maybe it was for-tresschapel. On the eastern part of the fortified wall is trace of uncertain buil-dings attachment. The towers are mainly built with local limestone, also large size cobblestones are used. Archaeological excavations revealed remains of the tower at the entrance. Outside the fortress, in the South-West, a few meters away, a spring is welling up. Despite the heavy damage, the castle impresses the visitor.
წიგნიდან: ,,გოგიტა ჩიტაია, Gogita Chitaia, Гогита Читаиа,ხობის მუნიციპალიტეტი, Municipality of Khobi, Хобский Муниципалитет, 2019 წ.’’
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